Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Class of 3/22/11

Today in class we watched the movie. And took more notes.
  • Pericles- wanted to glorify Athens, but he liked Democracy. He was an aristocrat. Kept the democracy going on. 
  • Wanted Athens to be the best city in all of history
  • Parthenon- most astonishing building in its time. To glorify Athens. Contribute to Athena 
  • but a lot of people to work, builders, architects, sculptures, took 15 years to build.
  • 40 foot statue of Athena was in the building. 
  • Frizez- slab of marble that someone has carved a partial statue out of. Regular people were carved into it. They were getting glorified. 2 1/2 inches thick.
  • Pericles divorces his wife
  • Aspasia- Pericles companion. Treated her has an equal, had her participate with someone the most important people. Falls in love with her and married her. 
  • Worlds first theater on the Ocrapoles. 
  • The Greeks invented Drama/ comedy/ tragides. 
  • Greeks wrote plays on really good people falling from the heights.
  • Oedipus- a guy who was taken from his parents, lived his life, achieved greatness. Became King. Travels this road that are guarded by sphinx. "What walks on four legs in the morning , two legs in the afternoon, and three legs at night." A human. 
  • Fortune teller tells him he is going to kill his father and marry his own mother.
  • He doesn't know its his father and kills this person who he got in a fight in.
  • Falls in love with this older woman, and its his mother. Mother finds out its her son and kills herself, and Oedipus gauges his eyes out. 
  • Pericles wanted to make Athens the undisputed leader of the Meddeteranian.
  • Hubris- means arrogance and pride.  
  • 431 B.C. Pericles take the podium and presents the Athenians with a plan of war with Sparta. 
  • Abandon all the land around Athens and go behind the great long walls to Paras. 
  • Pericles would use the Navy to supply the city by sea
  • Pericles expectation was after 1-2 but not 3 that the Spartans could not win and surrender. 

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