Friday, March 11, 2011

The Greeks, Crucible of Civilization

  • Clystinse was brought up from birth to be a ruler, taught to be an aristocrat. 
  • Plyceny was brought up to be a ruler, he set the Greeks on the path to Empire.
  • Athen lays in the center of the peninsula, which we now call Greece. 
  • reading and writing was a rare skill
  • life expectancy was less than 15 years 
  • aristocrats ruled Athens
  • Aristotle wrote about Greece and how it is turned on its people.
  • Greece does not have the physical unity for a really great civilization of the Ancient World.
  • Greece was divided into City States
  • Sparta was a City State
  • Spartans were brought up from birth to be soldiers.
  • Sparta conquered 4,000 sq. miles
  • Sparta was a threat to all the other city states 
  • 6th century Greek had a ruler(tyrant).
  • Pysistrases, rode into Athens clamming he had a Goddess named Athena. 
  • Pysistrases had to be the ruler of Athens because he had a Goddess. 
  • Pysistrases cut taxes and transformed the city.
  • Olive tress are a big part of Greece
  • Olives were part of Greece economy.
  • The vase was the first great artistic
  • designs were based on Egyptians and serrian arts. 
  • Hypias took over Pysistrases after he died.
  • The Athena's soon discovered Tyrant. 
  • Hypias put his brothers murderers to death and one of the wives. 
  • Hypias became bitter and suspicious of everyone. 
  • Pysistrases came to power for a cause, his son did not.
  • Plystanese wanted to take power from Hypias.
  • Plystanese banished Hypias from Athens forever.
  • 776 B.C was when the Olympics were discovered. 
  • first it could only be wealthy people, than it soon became anyone. 
  • Asigrasas was another aristocrat. and he wanted power.
  • he turned to outside Athens for support and won than had to surrender.

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