Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Greeks Crucible of Change Note Taking 2

  • 508 B.C. ordinary turn on their rulers.
  • Cleisthenes want the regular people to govern themselves.
  • Aristocrat- a member of the ruling class
  • Cleisthenes was an aristocrat 
  • Acropolis- Athens was built around and on this, it's big area of rock.
  • Aristocrats owned most of the land, hired people, and payed people whatever they felt like.
  • Regular people work long hours and you don't get much in return
  • Greece was divided into city-states
  • mountains separated the city-states, they spoke the same language, the same god, same experiences, just they didn't get a long.
  • Sparta was a big city state
  • Women had a fair amount of respect and a bigger responsibility than Athens society.  
  • covered 4,000 sq miles
  • Cleisthenes was inspired by the stories and myths. 
  • Iliad story of the Trojan wars, Odyssey story of Odisious trying to get home after the Trojan war. 
  • Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey. 
  • Tyrant- somebody that comes in a seizes control. 
  • Pisistratus- Cleisthenes brother in law, comes in with "The Goddess" 
  • Hippias- brother got killed and he got very paranoid and killed lots of people and imprisoning people
  • Cleisthenes- 510 B.C. one of the most powerful figures in Greece, fought Hippias and won and took over Athens.
  • 40,000 people come and watch the Olympics, travel hundreds of miles
  • rich people competed around rich people for glory
  • than anyone could compete so anyone could win
  • Isagoris- aristocrat, believed power was his right, he turned to outside Athens for support, Sparta. Wants to ceize control from Cleisthenes
  • Isagoris ceized control of Athens 
  • Cleisthenes had to leave his city along with his family
  • the people of athens forced Isagoris to surrender after three days 
  • the first time in human history that regular people rose up against their leaders and threw him out 
  • 508 B.C. athens first step to empire and glory . ordinary people seized power for themselves. 
  • Cleisthenes returned to Athens and formed a democratic government
  • Ogora- anyone could up on the rock explain what they wanted to do next
  • every 9 days they would met and figure out what to do 
  • Pheidippeds- ran 140 miles in just two days to get help against the Persians, but help was refused. 
  • the Greeks are people who want freedom.
  • the Persians put more emphasize on discipline.
  • It was between freedom or slavery.
  • every man had to become a soldier in Greece
  • Hoplites- a soldier who had their own armor and weapons 
  • Athens were a small but determined force
  • Athens killed 6,000 Persians in one days, Athens won. 
  • Themistocles- fought on the battle field at Marathon.
  • Themistocles was one of histories greatest leaders, he was the savior of his city.
  • Trireme- ram the enemies ship narrow light and fast weapon. 
  • Themistocles wanted to spend the money on trireme. 
  • Themistocles convinced his people to build a fleet of 200 men navy
  • Persian king died than Xerxes came to power
  • Xerxes wanted to burn Athens to the ground
  • 483 B.C. the Persian army set out for Greece. 
  • Phase two of the Persian war. Darius lost against Greece so Xerxes invaded Greece.
  • Athens was Xerxes first target.
  • Athens sent someone to the Oracle. 
  • Oracles- being able to see in the future, communicate with the gods. Reading the patterns of birds and interpreting what it means. 
  • Oracle at Delphi- best communication with god. the most famous, "What could they do to save themselves" answer: "all is ruined, fly to the ends of the earth" you should run. 
  • Themistocles plan: avoid conflict on land, fight the Persians at sea.
  • First evacuation in history. 
  • Salamis and Athenian main land is where Themistocles wants to fight.
  • Persians burn the temples, and occupy Athens.
  • The Persians navy has 4 times as many ships as the Greeks. 
  • Themistocles sent a Greek sailor over to Xerxes to tell him i have inside information, save my life. He said Greeks are fighting against themselves they don't know what to do, they are ready to sail out the other end.  
  • The Greeks won. Persian navy lost 200 ships. 
  • 540 B.C. Delian League had become Athens Empire 
  • Ostracized- Athenians wrote a name on a shard of pottery on who they want out of Athens and who is becoming to powerful
  • Themistocles was ostracized 
  • Themistocles died in Persia in exile. 

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