Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today in class we talked about what will be on our test tomorrow. I have so many quizzes or tests tomorrow! I am glad we had a review today. We even got to make up some questions that will help us with the quiz. They might even be on the quiz. We talked about which half of the city had most of the major cities and centers of trade. It was the Eastern half. The part where Diocletian ruled. Everyone was participating and everyone was asking questions. Lots of people were saying what questions could be on the quiz tomorrow. Rachel and Cole had to rock paper scissor battle to get the last question. Then we watched The Attila The Hun Show. It was really funny! That was our day today.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Homework, Rome's Empire declined and fell

Diocletian- a strong willed army leader and son of a slave, became the new emperor. With amazing boldness, he tried to restore order in the empire and increase its strength.
Constantine Constantine were Rome's greatest emperors because they saved it by helping it survive for another 200 years.
eastern empirethe Greek-speaking half of Rome with the most great cities and trade centers and they were wealthier as well.
western empirethe Latin-speaking half of Rome that was not nearly as successful as the eastern empire.
battle of milvian bridge-  
constantinoplethe name of the city of Constantine.
hunsa Germanic tribe that advanced against Rome in 452 A.D.
attilathe leader of the Huns who made them more dangerous than ever.
leothe first powerful Pope of Rome.

1. The economic problems that the empire faced were trade routes, treasuries, and farms that feed the population dried up. Those three sources were needed for Rome to prosper.

2. Rome's army changed a lot since the Republic. Tribes of the northern barbarians called Goths repeatedly overran the legions guarding the Danube frontier. At the same time, Syria and Asia Minor were threatened by Peria. Roman soldiers now fought strictly for money, not for patriotism. The government had to start paying Barbarians to be in the Roman army because they would fight for cheap pay. Barbarians could not be trusted though.

3. a.) Constantine attributed his victory to the power of the Christian God. When he became emperor he put an end to the persecution of Christians.
b.) Constantine won control of the eastern and western empire. He founded a new capital to Byzantium.

4. The Germanic tribes invaded the empire because the Huns began to move west, and they were afraid of the Huns. So the Huns moved west ward fighting their way their. The empire was unable to fight back 
because they were so disorganize and could not muster a medium sized army together.

1. doubled the size of the Roman armies
2. restored faith in the ancient gods of the Rome
3. increased the prestige of the emperor

1. retired
2. even while he lived, his plans for sccession failed.


Today in class we went over our quiz. We wrote down the answers. We will use that test to study for a little bit of the finals. Mr. Schick also gave us a speech today. He talked about how we should keep on learning and trying out best. The school year isn't over yet. We should try to focus and try our best. I hope I can stay focused and try my best. Today was a good class.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 11, 2011

Today we had Western Civ class. Today in class we watched a movie. We took notes on paper though! We never take notes on paper. We always take notes on the computer. I like writing notes better. It helps me pay attention more. We were watching a movie and it was very interesting. It was all about the Emperors of Rome. Some of them are crazy! Some of them are smart and good at ruling though.

Thursday 5/12/11

Today we had Western Civ class. Today in class we had a disscussion. We also watched the movie and took notes! The notes were on paper for the second day in a row. We haven't used our computers a lot this week. I like taking notes on paper better, I remember the notes easier. We will be having a test later on in the week. Paying attention and writing the notes on paper will help me with the test.


Today we had Western Civ class first. We had our rough draft of our paper due. Mr. Schick talked to us about the paper. He also answered my question I had about Julius Caesar. I had my paper peer reviewed by Cole Alban, Madi Day, and Rachel Weskalnies. My title on my paper is very boring. I have to fix the title. No one is going to want to read a paper with a boring title. You wouldn't go to the movies to see a movie with a boring title. I have to add more facts in my paper too. I really hope my paper turns out well. I have worked really hard on it.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Today in class we had a sub. Mrs. Willian, who is also my advisor. We have to write a 500 word essay and have the rough draft due by Tuesday. I worked on that a lot. It is a hard paper to write. I don't know whether to write about living there or facts about it. I think I am going to write about the difference and similarities of the Roman Empire and the Roman Republic. The paper is due on Wednesday. We have to have it written on Tuesday and get it peer reviewed by people. Today is Friday!!!

some links I used were:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today in class we went over what is gonna be on our test tomorrow. We learned about the baby hanging on Augustus leg is Cupid riding a dolphin. That will be the extra credit question, and I know it! So I don't think I will get that wrong. I printed out the power point of what is going to be on the quiz tomorrow. It was 2:37 and the bell was about to ring. Then all of a sudden we had a tornado drill! The weather channel spotted a tornado in Harford County! We had to stay in school till 3:30!


Today I was sick! ): I have to write 100 words on this blog post about how I was sick. Well, today I slept. Took some medicine. Slept a little more. Then my sister came home and I talked to her about her day. Then my mom came home and she took better care of me. My dad came home later on and he helped me feel better too. This is kind of hard to write 100 words when I wasn't in school today. I'll be back tomorrow I think. Hopefully I won't be behind on my work.

Friday, May 13, 2011

  • The roman empire
    • Jesus speaks of the rule of God, relief and hope for the poor, spoke to a lot of people that were in that situation.
    • Caligula became emperor at 25 years old in the year 37
    • Caligula started to suffer from bi polar disorders
    • Kills the high priest at a sacrafice
    • Claudius established Roman Rule
    • Claudius was married to Messalina
    • Claudius told someone to kill Messalina because she had many affairs

Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
 August 10 BC – 13 October 54

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 6, 2011

Today in class we took a test on Rome. It was really hard! I didn't think I was going to pass it. I got an 83% on the test though! That is better than what I thought! I hope this is enough words for me to get credit for this blog post. I think it is. I hope Mr. Schick does.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rome test tomorrow!

Death of Julius C-
  • stabbed 23 times
  • "Et tu brute" were his last words
  • killed in the theater of Pompey on March 15 44 B.C.
  • 60 or more men participate in the assassination
  • Gaius Cassius  

  • at 18 he was a small sickly boy who ruled with Mark Antony
  • They both got revenge on the people who killed Julius: over 100 senators and 2000 businessmen
The second Triumvirate
  • mark Antony and Octavian, and Lepidus got together for revenge
  • they ruled together for ten years
  • it ended because of greed and violence
  • antonyt married Octavians sister as a political gesture when they parenered up
  • he divocred octavians sister and married cleopatra
  • octavian  accused mark of trying to rule rome from alexandria
  • this started the third civil war in rome and the end of the second triumvirate. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Roman Review

We reviewed what our pop quizzes were about. And we chose new seats. Everyone moved to the back! Then we broke down Chi Cago's song and I worked with Rita on it. We also re took our pop quiz. I got a 9/10!

Republic- three
monarchy, aristocracy, democracy.
Monarchy- 2 Consul
aristocracy- rich in charge, senates, appointed for life.
democracy- the assembly, elected their own, the ranks of the plebians.

consul- there were 2 consuls, joined , if one didn't agree on one there was a veto. 1 year they served and wait 10 years before they could run again.

The Gauls- 390 b.c. invaded Rome

Punic wars- Carthage and Rome
Carthaginian ruler- Hannibal and General Scipio

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rome Rap Homework

Etruscan Dancers
This is a picture of Etruscan dancers.

This is a picture of Ancient Greek men.

This is a picture of Tarquin.

This is a picture of Patricians.

This is a picture of Plebeians.

This is a picture of the Roman Legion.

This is a picture of Hannibal.

This is a picture of Julius Caesar.

This is a picture of Octavian.

This is a picture of Cleopatra.

This is a picture of Augustus.

This is a picture of Gladiators.

This is a really tiny picture of Lepidus.

This is a picture of Brutus, who murdered Julius Ceaser.

This is a picture of Crassus.

These are my picture related to Chi Cago's rap!