Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rome test tomorrow!

Death of Julius C-
  • stabbed 23 times
  • "Et tu brute" were his last words
  • killed in the theater of Pompey on March 15 44 B.C.
  • 60 or more men participate in the assassination
  • Gaius Cassius  

  • at 18 he was a small sickly boy who ruled with Mark Antony
  • They both got revenge on the people who killed Julius: over 100 senators and 2000 businessmen
The second Triumvirate
  • mark Antony and Octavian, and Lepidus got together for revenge
  • they ruled together for ten years
  • it ended because of greed and violence
  • antonyt married Octavians sister as a political gesture when they parenered up
  • he divocred octavians sister and married cleopatra
  • octavian  accused mark of trying to rule rome from alexandria
  • this started the third civil war in rome and the end of the second triumvirate. 

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