Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Roman Review

We reviewed what our pop quizzes were about. And we chose new seats. Everyone moved to the back! Then we broke down Chi Cago's song and I worked with Rita on it. We also re took our pop quiz. I got a 9/10!

Republic- three
monarchy, aristocracy, democracy.
Monarchy- 2 Consul
aristocracy- rich in charge, senates, appointed for life.
democracy- the assembly, elected their own, the ranks of the plebians.

consul- there were 2 consuls, joined , if one didn't agree on one there was a veto. 1 year they served and wait 10 years before they could run again.

The Gauls- 390 b.c. invaded Rome

Punic wars- Carthage and Rome
Carthaginian ruler- Hannibal and General Scipio

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