Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Homework, Rome's Empire declined and fell

Diocletian- a strong willed army leader and son of a slave, became the new emperor. With amazing boldness, he tried to restore order in the empire and increase its strength.
Constantine Constantine were Rome's greatest emperors because they saved it by helping it survive for another 200 years.
eastern empirethe Greek-speaking half of Rome with the most great cities and trade centers and they were wealthier as well.
western empirethe Latin-speaking half of Rome that was not nearly as successful as the eastern empire.
battle of milvian bridge-  
constantinoplethe name of the city of Constantine.
hunsa Germanic tribe that advanced against Rome in 452 A.D.
attilathe leader of the Huns who made them more dangerous than ever.
leothe first powerful Pope of Rome.

1. The economic problems that the empire faced were trade routes, treasuries, and farms that feed the population dried up. Those three sources were needed for Rome to prosper.

2. Rome's army changed a lot since the Republic. Tribes of the northern barbarians called Goths repeatedly overran the legions guarding the Danube frontier. At the same time, Syria and Asia Minor were threatened by Peria. Roman soldiers now fought strictly for money, not for patriotism. The government had to start paying Barbarians to be in the Roman army because they would fight for cheap pay. Barbarians could not be trusted though.

3. a.) Constantine attributed his victory to the power of the Christian God. When he became emperor he put an end to the persecution of Christians.
b.) Constantine won control of the eastern and western empire. He founded a new capital to Byzantium.

4. The Germanic tribes invaded the empire because the Huns began to move west, and they were afraid of the Huns. So the Huns moved west ward fighting their way their. The empire was unable to fight back 
because they were so disorganize and could not muster a medium sized army together.

1. doubled the size of the Roman armies
2. restored faith in the ancient gods of the Rome
3. increased the prestige of the emperor

1. retired
2. even while he lived, his plans for sccession failed.

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