Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rome Homework

consul- two roman officials. 
veto- consul being overruled. 
senate- aristocratic branch of Rome's government.
assembly- the democratic side of the Roman government. 
dictator- a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army. 
mercenary- soldiers who fight in any army for pay. 

A.) Plebeians were dissatisfied with the government in the early years of the republic. Plebeians were barred by law from holding most important positions in government. Like commanding armies, serving as high priest, or holing high offices.

B.) Plebeians won the reform. Plebeians won a greater share of political power. Between 494 and 287 B.C, thousands of plebeians refused to fight in the Roman army unless patricians agreed to certain reforms. 

C.) The plebeians gained higher political positions and more favorable laws. They made a written law called Twelve Table. Marriage between the two groups was allowed and enslavement by debt was ended.

2. The Romans are considered to have a balanced government.Their government was partly a monarchy, partly an aristocracy, and partly a democracy. This gave them the best features of all kinds of governments.

3.  Rome had conquered most of Italy. The won the conquered people over because different parts of the conquered territory had different laws and were treated differently.

A.)  At the start of the Punic Wars Carthage seemed to be stronger. That is because they have a population of about 250,000 and that was 3 times the size of Rome. They also had a huge 500 ship Navy.

B.) Rome was in fact the stronger. They had three advantages. First, Rome could draw a reserve of more than 500, 000 troops. Also, Rome's citizen troops were a lot more loyal and reliable than the mercenaries employed by Carthage. Last, warfare was a Roman specialty.  

5. The Battle of Zama was a major turning point in history. If Hannibal would have won Rome and Carthage would not have became the greatest empire. Rome was victorious, and because of that Rome passed down laws, its government, and its culture to Western Civilization.

A.) Greeks at first welcomed Roman Armies because they went marching into Macedon and looked like protectors of Greek freedom. The Roman Army released Greek from the rule of Philip V of Macedon.

B.) The Greek attitude changed. The Romans interfered with the Greek polotics, crashing all opposition to rulers favored by Rome. Roman power in the east became ruthless. A couple Greek city states tried to free themselves from the Roman power. They failed at that though.

More Rome!

Today in class we talked more on Rome

Tarqun "the proud"

  • tyrant
  • harsh to his people
  • ran him out of town
  • the last Roman monarch

  • Three Branches of Roman Government after him.
  • Democracy- government by the people
  • Greeks were democracy
  • Romans were republic
  • Democracy- you vote directly on everything
  • In Rome you voted on a Representative to represent you
  • Romulus and Remus- founded Rome
  • they were sent down the Tiber River in a basket
  • they were found by wolves and raised
  • then a Shepard found them  
  • they got into a fight and Romulus killed Remus
  • that is why it is called Rome - Romulus. 
  • Rome
    • the perfect place in the world
    • Palatine hill located near the Tiber River

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Start of Rome


Today in class we read a paper on Rome. We did the vocab and questions.

republic- a political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote chose their leaders.
gravitas- A person with these qualities was said to have the important virtue.
patrician- Specially privileged families
plebeians- common farmers, artisans, and merchants.
legion- learning to fight roman-style meant being part of a massive military unit.
toga- uncomfortable garment
pater familias- eldest man, father of the family.
century- 100 years

1. Rome's geography helped them. They had a lot of importing and exporting ships with goods.

2. These three groups helped in Rome's development. The Latin's helped Rome become a shepard settelment. The Greeks helped Rome come closer in contact with the Greek Civilization. The Etruscans were more civilized and some of Rome's kings came from Etruscan background.

3. The values of early Roman society were family, strength, loyalty, and discipline.

4. The Pater Familias organized the family. He could sell any family member he wanted into slavery or even kill them. He was the protector. Someone in the family was the caring one or the gravitas. 

b. A woman in Rome was a citizen. She ate with her husband while she sat upright her husband reclined in the chair. She had much more freedom then woman in Athens. Women did not have the right to vote though. 

5.  Rome was linked to the Army. All male citizens were required to go into the Army. They always had a constant threat of war, so they always had to have a good and prepared Army.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today in class we took a test. Mr. Schick was not here today. He is sick! The test was some what hard. I would say it was medium. Now we have Easter Break!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


We finished all of our power points today.

Alexanders Conquest
Emily Kennedy: 97%

  • Aristotle was his tutor.
  • First he attacked in Thessaly
  • Then he defeated Thracians
  • Next he defeated Illyrians
  • He defeated King Darius III the leader of Persia.
  • After he died his empire was divided into four kingdoms. 
  • He mixed the cultures together that he conquered. 
How did he attack the places he attacked?

Review for our test:
  • Greek Architecture:
    • Greek Parthenon: Doric 
    • frieze is the decorative little statues of normal people 
  • Greek art
    • what were the ancient Greek sculptures made out of- limestone, marble, bronze. 
    • Ancient Greek is mainly in five forms- architecture , sculpture, painting, painted pottery, and music. 
  • Greek Philosophers
    • Socrates- Socratic method, questioned people. Knowledge was important because it resulted in good behavior. He made you think. He was charged with impiety(disrespecting the gods) and corrupting the youth of Athens. He drank Hemlock, died at 70. He didn't apologize for what he did, because it wasn't wrong. 
    • Plato- He thought the philosophers should rule, because they knew all the right answers. 
    • Aristotle- wanted Athens to be a place for anyone to study anything. He taught that happiness is the goal of life. He wanted a library to cover everything. (The academy)
  • When people first revolted against their leaders- 508 b.c.
  • Army battles
    • Sparta started the Pelopenisian war. Won by Sparta. 
    • Athens was to attack all the neighboring of Sparta
    • Athens walled in their city- everyone got plaque, got sick, and died. Pericles, Pericles son, 
  • Drama
    • comedy, tragedy, satyrs. 
    • 550 B.C. started
    • plays were performed in Theaters
    • very big area, seats carved out of the hillside. Skene, was behind the theater.  
    • used masks to provoke the voice loudly. 
  • Breakthrough in Math and Science:
  • Uclid- figured out geometric theories 
  • Archimedes- volume, levers, and pullies. 
Describe the Allegory of Plato's cave:
  • People are telling you but its not always true. Prisoners were strapped to a wall looking at another wall. Then one prisoner was let go and came back to tell the other prisoners what  he saw. No one believed him because he couldn't see right because of how dark the cave was and he just came out from the light. Its hard to prove your point when no one can see what your point is. 

Friday, April 15, 2011


Today we watched a move called Alexander.

  • Battle of Hydaspas- last battle of Alexander the Great 


I was sick, I wasn't in class today.


In class today Amir finished his project. It was a very good project. I would give him a 98%. Then we watched the movie we always watch.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Today in class we worked more on presenting projects. Most people finished up. I wrote notes and gave everyone a grade. Then we watched the same movie for the 100th time.

Movie Notes:

  • Socrates
    • interested n the mind. 
    • he used reason and logic to study people.
    • Socrates was arrested and put to death.
    • he was accused of going against the gods/ religion and corrupting the youth.
  • Thales
    • first man to measure the height of the great pyramid
    • sailed by using the stars in the sky for direction.

Madi Day: 95%
History of Greek Art.

  • sculptures are made of marble, limestone, and 
  • Myron is the Greek sculptures, sculptures of athletics. 
  • Phidias- sculpted Zeus at Olympus. 
  • Symbol of Athens: 
  • Lysippus- realism art 
  • Polyclitus- bronze sculptures of young Athens. Phidias's equal. 
  • Praxiteles- school of art was contained of marble. he used marble to resemble the softness of his skin. 
  • Scopas- Worked on temples.  
  • Realism- trying to represent people as they really are. Try to get them as close to they way they look. 

Mark Michael: 98 %
Greek Drama
  • the theatrical culture that flourished in ancient Greece between c. 550 and 
  • Tragedy, comedy, and styr were the three dramatic genres to emerge there.
  • they used drama as a way of investigating the world they lived in, and what it meant to be human.
  • comedy plays were derived from imitation.
  • Tragedies always had a happy ending. Tragedy deals with love, loss, pride, abuse of power. 
  • satyr plays- short plays that were performed between the acts of tragedies and made fun of the tragedy's characters.
  • theater- buildings called a theatron.
  • even with a lot of people  in the stands everyone could be heard. It was because of their masks. 

Jason Drager: 98%
Greek Army and Battles
  • Peloponnesian war
    • 431-404 B.C.
    • Sparta was getting nervous about the growing power of Athens so they went o war.
    • War caused Athens economy to crash.
    • the ended with the Spartans capturing the Athenian navy and after 6 months of starvation they gave up. 
  • Trojan War
    • took place in many places other than Troy.
    • The goal was to shorten the supplies that were getting to Troy so that they would have to surrender. 
    • the war was also one of the greatest events in Greek mythology. 
    • 1194b.c.-1184 b.c.
    • They got into Troy in a huge wooden horse, some people say that its not real. 
  • Greek Weapons
    • Shield
    • spear
    • ballista- siege weapon that could fire. 
    • dagger/sword
    • catapult 
  • Alexander the Great
    • one of the greatest commanders of all time.
    • his real name was Alexnder 3 of Macedon
    • he was undefeated in battle
    • took  over Persian empire and wanted to control all of the known world,
  • Eudemus
    • when Alexander the great left India he left his great general in charge.
    • he was appointed by him to command the troops left in India.
    • became a very powerful man. 

Friday, April 8, 2011


Today in class we talked about Amnesty Intentional. We buy a shirt for ten dollars and we can wear it. After that, we looked at more power points.

Emily Stasuk: 97%
Trial of Socrates

  • He asked questions that angered people.
  • He wanted to share his knowledge with the world
  • Began sharing his knowledge with young followers led to philosopher Plato. 
  • People did not like his forward thinking
  • 399 b.c. people expressed their distaste for his teachings
  • non democratic thinking made people angry. 
  • Charges against him:
    • Impiety (not respecting the gods)
    • corruption of young men's minds
    • by law they couldn't charge him with not being democratic so they came up with vague religious issues to charge him with.
    • large trial in front of Athenian jury
    • Puzzles historians because the Athenian society had been very free and democratic.
    • sentenced to death at age 70.
  • Socrates didn't like the Peloponnesian War.

Rachel Weskalnies: 100%
Greek Architecture 
  • extinct in greece from the end of the Mycenaean period (1200 bc) until the 7th century
  • began on the shores of the Aegean Sea around 700 bc
  • temples, tonbs, public meeting places, and other.
  • always had a statue of a god or goddess
Rachel knew a lot about her project and made it fun and interesting. 

Elena Fernandez: 96%
Greek poets
  • Hesiod 
    • Very little is known.
    • Ascra in Boeotia is his native village.
  • Pinder
    • Greatest lyric poet of ancient greece
    • first poem was in honor of the winner of the national game.
  • Sappho
    • Known for poetry but sang too
    • first woman poetry
    • head of a girls school
    • wrote about her fight with brothers

Cole Alban: 100%
The Golden Age of Greece
  • The Age of Pericles
  • economic and military power of the world
  • it lasted for 50 years
  • began after the Athenians defeated the Persians
  • ended when the Pelop. war began
  • Pericles
    • Was and aristocrat
    • the man who led Athens into their Golden ge
    • built the Parthenon
    • gave people power to vote for the leaders of the state
    • started the Peloponnesian war.
  • Parthenon:
    • built ontop of the Acropolis to show off Greece
    • inside was a statue of Athen
  • Many famous plays were written during this year
  • comedies also came into 
  • they looked more into volcanoes and earthquakes.


Today in class we looked at our powerpoints. We had someone peer review our powerpoint. I looked at Mark's and he looked at mine. Then I worked more on my powerpoint. My powerpoint is on Greek Philosophers.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Class 4/7/11

Today in class we looked at more presentations of Ancient Greece. I went and I have Greek Philosophers. Socrates said a famous quote The unexamined life is not worth living. If you don't think about why you believe the way you do then you're not any better. We can think and we can reason.

Amir's project on Hellenic Age:

  • 323-146 B.C. 
  • started when Alexander the Great died 
  • Rome was trying to control Ancient Carthage. 
  • Greece was conquered during the Hellenic Age. 
  • Alexander the great mixed cultures and got his soldiers to marry women from different cultures.

Class of 4/6/11

Today in class we looked at some presentations. 

Breakthrough in Math and Science:
  1. What is zoology?
  2. Why didn’t the Greeks want to learn Algebra?
  1. Pythagoras is known for what?
Emily Waite's project was really good. She knew what she was talking about. And the pie was really good. 100%

  1. He was born in Greece, historians doubt Homer's back ground.
  2. He was born blind court singer and story teller.
  3. Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, he probably didn’t make up these stories by himself.
  4. Poet have ben going around Greece telling these stories for hundreds of years.
  5. Illiad the tale of Achilles and the Trojan War.
  6. The Odyssey- about the travels of Odysseus.
  7. There are so many different writing styles its hard to believe Homer just wrote them.
  8. Compared to his other writings, none of his writing styles are found in the poems. We still believe homer rote them due to ancient letters and scribes.
How did he write these stories he was blind?
What are some of the writing styles in his poems?
Was Homer highly respected?
Rita did really well. Her project looked cool and she knew a lot about it. 93%