Friday, April 8, 2011


Today in class we talked about Amnesty Intentional. We buy a shirt for ten dollars and we can wear it. After that, we looked at more power points.

Emily Stasuk: 97%
Trial of Socrates

  • He asked questions that angered people.
  • He wanted to share his knowledge with the world
  • Began sharing his knowledge with young followers led to philosopher Plato. 
  • People did not like his forward thinking
  • 399 b.c. people expressed their distaste for his teachings
  • non democratic thinking made people angry. 
  • Charges against him:
    • Impiety (not respecting the gods)
    • corruption of young men's minds
    • by law they couldn't charge him with not being democratic so they came up with vague religious issues to charge him with.
    • large trial in front of Athenian jury
    • Puzzles historians because the Athenian society had been very free and democratic.
    • sentenced to death at age 70.
  • Socrates didn't like the Peloponnesian War.

Rachel Weskalnies: 100%
Greek Architecture 
  • extinct in greece from the end of the Mycenaean period (1200 bc) until the 7th century
  • began on the shores of the Aegean Sea around 700 bc
  • temples, tonbs, public meeting places, and other.
  • always had a statue of a god or goddess
Rachel knew a lot about her project and made it fun and interesting. 

Elena Fernandez: 96%
Greek poets
  • Hesiod 
    • Very little is known.
    • Ascra in Boeotia is his native village.
  • Pinder
    • Greatest lyric poet of ancient greece
    • first poem was in honor of the winner of the national game.
  • Sappho
    • Known for poetry but sang too
    • first woman poetry
    • head of a girls school
    • wrote about her fight with brothers

Cole Alban: 100%
The Golden Age of Greece
  • The Age of Pericles
  • economic and military power of the world
  • it lasted for 50 years
  • began after the Athenians defeated the Persians
  • ended when the Pelop. war began
  • Pericles
    • Was and aristocrat
    • the man who led Athens into their Golden ge
    • built the Parthenon
    • gave people power to vote for the leaders of the state
    • started the Peloponnesian war.
  • Parthenon:
    • built ontop of the Acropolis to show off Greece
    • inside was a statue of Athen
  • Many famous plays were written during this year
  • comedies also came into 
  • they looked more into volcanoes and earthquakes.

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