Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Start of Rome


Today in class we read a paper on Rome. We did the vocab and questions.

republic- a political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote chose their leaders.
gravitas- A person with these qualities was said to have the important virtue.
patrician- Specially privileged families
plebeians- common farmers, artisans, and merchants.
legion- learning to fight roman-style meant being part of a massive military unit.
toga- uncomfortable garment
pater familias- eldest man, father of the family.
century- 100 years

1. Rome's geography helped them. They had a lot of importing and exporting ships with goods.

2. These three groups helped in Rome's development. The Latin's helped Rome become a shepard settelment. The Greeks helped Rome come closer in contact with the Greek Civilization. The Etruscans were more civilized and some of Rome's kings came from Etruscan background.

3. The values of early Roman society were family, strength, loyalty, and discipline.

4. The Pater Familias organized the family. He could sell any family member he wanted into slavery or even kill them. He was the protector. Someone in the family was the caring one or the gravitas. 

b. A woman in Rome was a citizen. She ate with her husband while she sat upright her husband reclined in the chair. She had much more freedom then woman in Athens. Women did not have the right to vote though. 

5.  Rome was linked to the Army. All male citizens were required to go into the Army. They always had a constant threat of war, so they always had to have a good and prepared Army.

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