Thursday, April 28, 2011

More Rome!

Today in class we talked more on Rome

Tarqun "the proud"

  • tyrant
  • harsh to his people
  • ran him out of town
  • the last Roman monarch

  • Three Branches of Roman Government after him.
  • Democracy- government by the people
  • Greeks were democracy
  • Romans were republic
  • Democracy- you vote directly on everything
  • In Rome you voted on a Representative to represent you
  • Romulus and Remus- founded Rome
  • they were sent down the Tiber River in a basket
  • they were found by wolves and raised
  • then a Shepard found them  
  • they got into a fight and Romulus killed Remus
  • that is why it is called Rome - Romulus. 
  • Rome
    • the perfect place in the world
    • Palatine hill located near the Tiber River

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