Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Today in class we worked more on presenting projects. Most people finished up. I wrote notes and gave everyone a grade. Then we watched the same movie for the 100th time.

Movie Notes:

  • Socrates
    • interested n the mind. 
    • he used reason and logic to study people.
    • Socrates was arrested and put to death.
    • he was accused of going against the gods/ religion and corrupting the youth.
  • Thales
    • first man to measure the height of the great pyramid
    • sailed by using the stars in the sky for direction.

Madi Day: 95%
History of Greek Art.

  • sculptures are made of marble, limestone, and 
  • Myron is the Greek sculptures, sculptures of athletics. 
  • Phidias- sculpted Zeus at Olympus. 
  • Symbol of Athens: 
  • Lysippus- realism art 
  • Polyclitus- bronze sculptures of young Athens. Phidias's equal. 
  • Praxiteles- school of art was contained of marble. he used marble to resemble the softness of his skin. 
  • Scopas- Worked on temples.  
  • Realism- trying to represent people as they really are. Try to get them as close to they way they look. 

Mark Michael: 98 %
Greek Drama
  • the theatrical culture that flourished in ancient Greece between c. 550 and 
  • Tragedy, comedy, and styr were the three dramatic genres to emerge there.
  • they used drama as a way of investigating the world they lived in, and what it meant to be human.
  • comedy plays were derived from imitation.
  • Tragedies always had a happy ending. Tragedy deals with love, loss, pride, abuse of power. 
  • satyr plays- short plays that were performed between the acts of tragedies and made fun of the tragedy's characters.
  • theater- buildings called a theatron.
  • even with a lot of people  in the stands everyone could be heard. It was because of their masks. 

Jason Drager: 98%
Greek Army and Battles
  • Peloponnesian war
    • 431-404 B.C.
    • Sparta was getting nervous about the growing power of Athens so they went o war.
    • War caused Athens economy to crash.
    • the ended with the Spartans capturing the Athenian navy and after 6 months of starvation they gave up. 
  • Trojan War
    • took place in many places other than Troy.
    • The goal was to shorten the supplies that were getting to Troy so that they would have to surrender. 
    • the war was also one of the greatest events in Greek mythology. 
    • 1194b.c.-1184 b.c.
    • They got into Troy in a huge wooden horse, some people say that its not real. 
  • Greek Weapons
    • Shield
    • spear
    • ballista- siege weapon that could fire. 
    • dagger/sword
    • catapult 
  • Alexander the Great
    • one of the greatest commanders of all time.
    • his real name was Alexnder 3 of Macedon
    • he was undefeated in battle
    • took  over Persian empire and wanted to control all of the known world,
  • Eudemus
    • when Alexander the great left India he left his great general in charge.
    • he was appointed by him to command the troops left in India.
    • became a very powerful man. 

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